Bookseller Catalogs

SIXTY FIVE YEARS OF AMERICAN HOMES: House Plan Catalogs 1900-1965

SIXTY FIVE YEARS OF AMERICAN HOMES: House Plan Catalogs 1900-1965 Old Imprints is pleased to offer our latest catalog of vintage house plan booklets and brochures dating from the 1900s through the 1960s. These “pattern books,” depicting a home’s exterior together with detailed floor plans and enticing descriptive paragraphs, feature page after page of designs for homes both large and small. The images and evocative language employed in the catalogs and brochures engaged the imaginations of readers of an earlier era as they pondered the virtues or liabilities of individual designs. Insidiously, the dream of home ownership took hold.

Fall Sale 2016

By Mullen Books, Inc.

Fall Sale 2016 Over 200 of our finer and more esoteric titles, all reduced in price to help them move along to their Forever Home!

How to request a print version: Print copy can be mailed upon application.

PRODUCTS FOR THE HOME Manufacturers’ Catalogs 1900s - 1950s

PRODUCTS FOR THE HOME Manufacturers’ Catalogs 1900s - 1950s This listing contains a wide variety of pamphlets, brochures and catalogs devoted to products for the American home—products manufactured to promote comfort or convenience, often enhanced (so it is claimed) by aesthetic pleasure derived from innovative color or design. These “home product” advertising publications date primarily from the first half of the 20th century, and their relevance to the home is at times complicated by goods manufactured by firms seeking domestic as well as commercial outlets for their product .Then there are the curiosities, of which there appear to be no shortage: for example the “Secret Door Openers” (promoted in item 53871.) Some of the products included in the list, glowingly described by their manufacturers, were subsequently found to be health hazards (for instance, propane gas refrigerators, asbestos floor tiles, wood products enhanced by “toxic preservation” etc.). For those interested in oddities or historic exemplars associated with products for the home, or in the projection of the “new” or “modern” advanced by manufacturers in their focused appeals to female “home-makers,” the catalogs and brochures listed should prove interesting and enlightening.

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